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Women Are Rising

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Meeting Nina Dafe of The Far Above Rubies Collection

One of my favorite interviews has been with this woman right here: Miss Nina Dafe! 

Why? Because like me she shares a passion and curiosity for challenging the way women have been depicted throughout history and she focuses on the Bible! 

It takes great courage to do this and Nina is FULL of it. 

She shares an incredible story about how she overcame negative body image and really began to find her place in life and society by pushing the boundaries of she'd been given. 

She draws on  special interest in feminism, womanism and female empowerment to:

  1.  Dismantle the mindsets that keep women from enjoying the same opportunities and human rights as their male counterparts
  2. Help women who are struggling with the same issues of low self and body image as I once did due to the same afore-mentioned religious dogma

Do not miss this 1 hour interview as Nina and I have the best time riffing on questions like "Why does Eve have to take all the blame" and "where...

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